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© Arne Elofsson

SciLifeLab Logotype nbis Logotype
SeRC Logotype Stockholm University logotype EGI logotype

Server status

Total number of sequences in local queue: 0
Total number of sequences in remote queue: 0

Statistics (since 2017-01-16)

Number of finished sequences: 221096
Number of finished jobs: 216692 (of which 12264 via web and 0 via wsdl)
Number of unique users (by IP address): 2222
Number of countries the jobs have been submitted from: 71  (details)

List of most active users:

Sorted by number of jobs

IP Country NumJob NumSeq
131.152.*.* Switzerland 141474 141474
131.152.*.* Switzerland 29524 29524
130.229.*.* Sweden 17059 17059
131.152.*.* Switzerland 12563 12563
131.152.*.* Switzerland 1528 1528
137.131.*.* United States 1047 869
82.21.*.* United Kingdom 942 942
128.255.*.* United States 823 4027
210.26.*.* China 452 452
202.201.*.* China 443 443

Sorted by number of sequences

IP Country NumJob NumSeq
131.152.*.* Switzerland 141474 141474
131.152.*.* Switzerland 29524 29524
130.229.*.* Sweden 17059 17059
131.152.*.* Switzerland 12563 12563
128.255.*.* United States 823 4027
131.152.*.* Switzerland 1528 1528
82.21.*.* United Kingdom 942 942
137.131.*.* United States 1047 869
210.26.*.* China 452 452
202.201.*.* China 443 443

Frequency of submission over time:

By number of jobs day week month

By number of sequences day week month